Thursday, May 26, 2011

Mrs. Buhler's Class

So my sister is a fourth grade teacher. Weird, I know. But I finally had the chance to help out in her classroom yesterday and it was so much fun! This "helping" consisted of eating hotdogs, teaching them how to play Danish Ball, eating snow cones, and passing out cookies (don't worry this was only because it's their last week of school). I had a lot of fun and it was so cool to be able to see Caitlyn as a teacher!  It definitely put Caitlyn's job more into perspective for me though.  That job is a heck of a lot of work. All the decorations, planning, grading, parent drama, keeping kids in order. Was I that little when I was in fourth grade? No way. And did everyone really talk that much?  It blew my mind! Each student was so awesome, but I don't think it matters if you have 30 of the most perfect 10-year-olds--one of them is bound to call out/complain/jump out of their seat at any given time.  Moral of the story is, Cait is amazing. I don't know how the heck she kept order in that crazy classroom eight hours a day, every school day, for nine months. Here are some pictures!
Everyone outside waiting for their hotdogs. The cute little boy in the back wasn't in Cait's classroom, and she had to tell the poor little guy that the hotdogs weren't for his class. Haha he was so sad.

Playing Danish Ball. 

Working on their yearbooks that Cait put together for them.

Mrs. Buhler (with her baby bump ;)) teaching.

I had thought for a time about applying for Teach for America.  Basically as long as you have a degree, you can do it. For two years, you have the chance to teach in underprivileged elementary schools.  However, after spending a couple of hours in a fourth grade classroom for the first time since I was one of the fourth graders, I realized maybe it's not for me.  I have been thinking for a while though about being some type of school counselor, and because of one of the students in Cait's class, I realized that I would absolutely love it.  With a major like sociology, you can't do a whole lot with just a Bachelor's degree.  It's not a major that directs you right into one field either.  You can go in so many different directions with it, but the catch is--you need your master's degree! Oh tricky, tricky school system. So I guess we'll see what happens, but i hope to one day be able to help the children who are struggling in school--whether they be in fourth grade or eleventh. I know that's something I would love to do, I just don't know when I'll be able to do it :)

Last weekend we went to the BYU vs. Cal Berkeley Rugby National Championship game up in Salt Lake. BYU ended up losing, but it was fun and so good to see family there!

Also, I find this video very funny. Look at him go! He's just so blubbery.


1 comment:

  1. hahaha that poor little boy! that made me laugh and feel sad for him at the same time. he was just hungry...
