Saturday, June 18, 2011


Surprisingly, a lot has happened recently! But sadly, I only have a couple of pictures to show for it...

I met my brother-in-law Matt! Haha finnnnally. He came and stayed with us for a weekend and it was tons of fun having him there!

I hung out with my freshman roommates, and some of my best friends, Kelsey and Callie. We went to Brick Oven, got some ice cream, and caught up on life as I am now married, Callie is about to move across the country, and Kelsey has a boy coming home soon!
I love these girls!

My sister, Charisse, was also in Utah this past week because her best friend was getting married up in Idaho. So, as a result, I got to hang out with her! Annnd, we hung out with some of our good family friends for a bit. Really, I should just call them my cousins. But our friend Beth just had a little baby girl named Corinne and she was just too cute and tiny!

We went to a surprise birthday party for Danny's Uncle Clark, and that was fun. The food was delicious! Unfortunately, we missed the actual surprise, but it was a lot of fun seeing everyone.

Matt's homecoming!  He gave a good talk, and then afterwards there was a big feed at a park by Danny's parents house. It was packed!

We had a Cox kids (minus Dalton) get-together since Charisse was in town. We went over to Destin's house and apparently Charisse promised him some of my mom's delicious home-made rolls, so we made some rolls (I think there were 58 of them and about 20 minutes later there were only about 8 left. Yea, they're pretty good...). We also watched the NBA finals game and it was so fun watching the Mavs take out the Heat!

So those are some of the things we've been doing lately between work, and well... more work. I've been training to take over someone's job for the next month at my work, so work has been pretty busy for me, and meanwhile, Danny's been working over 60 hours. That crazy boy.


  1. hahaha seriously, love that the mavs took out the heat. umm and i love that picture of you, kelsey, and callie. so freaking cute!

  2. I'm so glad that for the next month I don't have to worry about hearing a male voice on the phone, but can instead look forward to hearing yours. :)
