Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Explosions and Family

On Thursday night, I switched work around and we got to go with some of our friends to a FREE Explosions in the Sky concert! What's better than a free concert? Every summer Salt Lake does a thing called the Twilight Concert Series, and every Thursday night for seven weeks there's a free concert at a park.  Last year Modest Mouse came and apparently there were over 60,000 people--crazy! But, I was super excited for Explosions in the Sky to come. They're completely instrumental, but their music can be pretty powerful. Way chill music, so it was perfect for the concert being at such an open park.

Last week Danny's entire family came over. Yes, his entire family.  Plus a friend and a cousin. We had 15 people packed into our tiny little apartment.  Danny's mom, Christine, brought down island pork and coconut rice (one of my favorite meals of all time!), I made homemade Clam Chowder (which was actually also quite a hit), and for dessert--my mom's famous Cocoa Pink Cupcakes! It was all so so delicious. Afterwards we all walked over to Rock Canyon Park.  It's basically a giant crater in the ground, and right now because of the bizarre weather we had in the beginning of the summer, there's a stream running through it. 

 My little brother-in-law Connor is my favorite.  He's six and he's a little trouble-making nature boy. He was so excited to be at our apartment--or rather, he was excited to be in a new place to explore.

When we got to the park, all of the little kids were down the hill and wet before you could count to two.  The little kids loved having giant hills to roll down, and it's always fun to play in a big field when you have a soccer ball, a frisbee, and little kids of all ages to play with.

1 comment:

  1. haha whaaat! there's a stream running through there? haha weird. and i heard that the concert was bomb, i'm so jealous you got to go!
