Tuesday, October 11, 2011

I'm a Mormon

I'm not sure why, but for some reason blogging about my religion has been on my mind lately.

I'm taking a World Religions class right now, and it's one of my favorite classes that I've taken at BYU.  It has allowed me to learn about and appreciate the major religions of the world.  When you really study a religion and learn not only what they believe, but the origins behind that belief and the reason they believe it, you can really be enlightened and understand the people of that faith.

I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  I'm a Mormon.  For some reason people are always so bewildered when they find out I'm mormon.  What's so crazy about it?  We are obviously a christian faith, hence the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Don't listen to ignorant people like this guy.  We believe that Joseph Smith restored the true gospel of Jesus Christ--that does not mean we worship Joseph Smith though.  We are followers of Jesus Christ and He is our Savior and Redeemer.

Joseph Smith was a prophet of God.  Six of his children died in infancy, he was beaten, tarred and feathered by an angry mob, betrayed by dear friends, tried and put into three different jails unjustly, and finally killed by a mob because of his beliefs.  What kind of a man could go through such persecution his entire life, unless he was speaking the truth.  If you don't want to acknowledge him as a prophet of God, then at least have the decency to respect him for the man and leader that he was.

Here is a list of beliefs of the LDS faith.  We believe in modern day revelation.  Why wouldn't Heavenly Father communicate to his children on earth?  We believe that we have a prophet on the earth today-Presdient Thomas S. Monson, and he is just the sweetest man.  We believe in the Plan of Salvation and that families can be together forever.  We believe in the Book of Mormon, a book which was translated by the prophet Joseph Smith.  We also believe in the Word of Wisdom, which means that we don't drink.  Most people looking from the outside see that as a restriction, but it truly is a blessing as I've seen the harm that alcohol can do to relationships and individual lives.

Many people are shocked when they find out that I'm married and I'm only 21.  I don't know how to explain it, but growing up as a member of the church really gives you a different perspective on marriage.  People actually want to get married.  What's the point in dating for four years before getting married if you know that you're supposed to marry that person after one year? There is no sense in putting your life on hold. We're not brainwashed--believe it or not, we actually choose to get married when we do, and it is seriously the best thing. We believe that we can be sealed to our family for time and all eternity, and that is why Danny and I got married in that beautiful temple at the top of this page.

Another thing I often get questions about is missions.  When a guy is 19 an a girl is 21, they have the option to serve a mission.  Guys for two years and girls for 18 months.  They go on missions to teach the gospel and they are called to go anywhere in the world--Danny went to New Zealand.  I know people who have been to Australia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Tonga, Bolivia, Madagascar, Mexico, Spain, Mozambique, Taiwan--seriously, all over the world learning all kinds of languages.   Not everyone chooses to go on a mission, and not everyone really has the opportunity to go on one, but I've seen nothing but good come from them.

I just don't get what all the hate's about.  Even if you don't agree with the teachings of the gospel, can't you see the happiness it brings to so many other peoples' lives and just let it be?  I love my church.  It brings so much joy to my life, and I get so tired of all of the misconceptions that are spread concerning our beliefs and practices.  Some Mormons are weird, sure.  But so are some Catholics.  And so are some people of any religion.  I know that especially with Mitt Romney in the media, there are going to be more and more rumors spread and things taken out of context, so I just wanted to put the truth out there--from a real Mormon.


  1. I loved reading this post! I am so tired of people telling me what I believe in instead of asking me. my personal favorite was that i believe in multiple gods... um that was news to me haha. Also just because you are not a member of a certain religion or any religion does not mean you have to be rude and self-righteous crazy people! I hate it when I see people being rude to others because of religious beliefs. And last thing, I loved that you mentioned that sure, there are weird Mormons, but there are also weird Catholics. I'm so sick of people being like "Oh, blablabla is a Mormon and he's weird!" C'mon people. Lets not judge a religion of over 10,000 people on just one or two or even three people. Anyway. Great post Maraina, I may even have to do my own:)

  2. I love your post. You put it out there perfectly. I too have been feeling like Maine I should be more vocal about my beliefs since obviously so many are uneducated. I can't believe that guy!
